

Start tying your own flies

Catching your first fish on the fly you tie will embed new levels of appreciation for all things fly fishing.

Most fly anglers hit a point in their fishing career when they think about tying their own flies. There’s an entirely new level of satisfaction from catching a fish on a fly you tied yourself.

Why tie your own flies?

Tying your own flies gives you the freedom to customise the fly to your own preference, whether it be a choice of hook, the colour of the material, or the weight of the fly.

Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club

At the Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club, we host fly-tying evenings for both beginners and for the more technical tiers.

These evenings are held on the second Tuesday of every month and ad-hoc sessions do suffice.

Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club
Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club
Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club
Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club
Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club
Jacaranda Fly Fishing Club